What makes a great ad is whether or not it was remembered. Here are some examples of memorable ad campaigns our founders have created and produced in the past:
After an absence of nearly 20 years, Coca-Cola reintroduced its brand into India with a national television and print campaign sponsoring the World-Cup of Cricket. The campaign showcased kids playing cricket in the streets throughout India as well as a fan's first person perspective on their favorite cricket moves depicted in animation. Within 3 months of the campaign's launch, Coke went from nearly zero to well over 50% of the market share in the region and over the next 5 years, re-ran the television during the Olympics and during the Academy Awards. The visual impact of this campaign was so well received by Coca-Cola, it was reworked for Major League Baseball where it existed another 5 years in major league ballparks across the U.S., including as architectural components at Turner Field in Atlanta.

As the world's first global hand-held satellite phone, developing the strategy for Iridium's multi-lingual simultaneous worldwide advertising launch was no easy feat. But, in the summer of 1998 our creative director did just that and to this day, that work remains the largest media launch in history. But it was an inauspicious launch as Iridium was already in deep water with aging technology and just a year later was forced to shut down. When the dust settled, the U.S. government stepped in and refused to let the 66 low-Earth-orbiting satellite network be destroyed, instead ending up owning a piece of this planet's largest telecommunications system for real-time frontline coordination. In the ensuing 15 years, fiscal responsibility combined with marketing refinements have brought Iridium back to profitability and a successful IPO, and of course everyone still remembers that ubiquitous launch campaign.